"All the way through his schooling at Stoke Gabriel Primary my son has been nurtured, supported, encouraged and celebrated for his efforts. The consistency of this amazingly high level of teaching hasn't changed or dropped despite the staff changes that are inevitable in the schooling system today. As a parent I couldn't be more grateful to the School and the Academy for the amazing Primary School experience we have been fortunate enough to have had."

Children's Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


Next week is Children’s Mental Health Week.


I would like to invite you to our whole school assembly on Monday 6th February from 2:40pm in the school hall. The theme for this year is ‘Let’s Connect’ and we will use this opportunity to unite with the local community, parents and the children.


After the assembly, the children will return to class to get ready for dismissal at the usual time; however, I would appreciate it if you could please stay behind as there is a short task to complete.


Let’s Connect Jigsaw Task:

On a jigsaw piece, write down something that you are proud of or that you like about yourself, your child, or the community. The idea is that every person in attendance - parents, community members, children and staff - will be able to put their jigsaw pieces together to demonstrate a strong connection and sense of belonging. The jigsaw pieces will then be displayed within the school, at Pre-School, and within the local community.


Please note, if you are unable to attend the assembly, the jigsaw task will be available to download from the school’s Facebook site, website or you can collect a Jigsaw piece from Ros’ shop. There will also be a folder of pieces attached to the front fence for collection.


All completed pieces can be sent in to school and handed to staff ready to display.


Please spread the word!

I look forward to seeing you on Monday 6th February.


Kind regards,


Mrs Lija Lewsey.