"All the way through his schooling at Stoke Gabriel Primary my son has been nurtured, supported, encouraged and celebrated for his efforts. The consistency of this amazingly high level of teaching hasn't changed or dropped despite the staff changes that are inevitable in the schooling system today. As a parent I couldn't be more grateful to the School and the Academy for the amazing Primary School experience we have been fortunate enough to have had."


Welcome to Ladybirds!
Hello and welcome to the Ladybirds class page!

The children in Ladybirds are encouraged to learn through play and exploration, through being active, creative and thinking critically. The staff aim for the children to be inspired by their experiences; motivated by stimulating environments and equipment; fully engaged in their learning and, ultimately, to be empowered to continue to explore and learn themselves, independently. This is managed through carefully planned lessons and activities and opportunities for adult-led and adult- directed sessions as well as amble opportunity for child-initiated learning.
The adults that work with us are; 

Miss Gaskin – Class Teacher
Mrs Smith - Teaching Assistant (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
Mrs Smith works with all of the children to support learning.
Our PE lessons are every Thursday with Mr Tanner. Please come to school wearing your PE kit.
 Home Learning
We ask that children read their Bug Club phonics book at home each day. Please note all reading in the yellow reading records. Additional books can be accessed via the Bug Club website with the children's individual logins.
There are additional (optional) ideas to support your child's learning on the planning map that is shared each half term.
Books for EYFS – 100 picture books to read before you are 5 years old. Here’s our selection of recommended picture books that are ideal for children aged 3-5 who are learning to read at home, or in Nursery, preschool, Early Years, and infant schools. How many of these modern and classic picture books for children in EYFS have you read?

Meet the Teacher
Phonics Workshops
Medium Term Plans
Useful Resources